
Lesson Plans 5/20-5/31

NONFICTION Readers Theater: Reading and Recording
   Common Core State Standards
      Speaking and Listening Standards K–5
          Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
              5. Create audio recordings of stories or poems; add drawings or      
                  other visual displays to stories or recounts of experiences 
                  when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.

Scrips from: 
 Enchanted Learning  "The Water Cycle"
Reading Lady "Frog or Toad" and "Whales"


Notable Dates

Last week for students to check out books 5/6-5/10
All student books are due back 5/13-5/17
Science and Media Fair 5/22
Budget Cut Day 5/24
Memorial Day 5/27
Textbooks are due back by 6/3-6/7
Last day of school for students and teachers 6/12

Lesson Plans 5/13-5/17

Making a Flyer for
Science and Media Fair on May 22 from 5-7:30

Lesson Plans 5/6-5/10

5th-1st: Copyright and citing sources
Kinder: Mom and Me book
From: http://www.easybib.com/