
Lesson Plans 1/23/17-1/27/17

3rd - 5th: STEM: Earth's Water
Kinder - 2nd grades


Lesson Plans: 1/17/17-2/3/17

3rd-5th: STEM lesson plan: NGSS: 5-ESS2-2. Describe and graph the amounts and percentages of water and fresh water in various reservoirs to provide evidence about the distribution of water on Earth.
Kinder-2nd: Reading Nonfiction

Lesson Plans: 1/9/17-1/13/17

3rd-5th: Adding a user to a Chromebook and logging into Google Classroom.
Kinder-2nd: Reading Nonfiction

Lesson Plans: 1/3/17-1/6/17

2nd-5th: Library Book Survey
Kinder-1st: Reading Nonfiction


Books read so far this year!

Standards for Charts or Graphs with Google Docs

3D Standards: Charts or Graphs with Google Docs
CCSS: 7. Explain how specific images (e.g., a diagram showing how a machine works) contribute to and clarify a text.
Model School Library Standards: 2.1.a Draw meaning from illustrations, photographs, diagrams, charts, graphs, maps, and captions.
ISTE: 3: Knowledge Constructor: Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.
ISTE: 6: Creative Communicator: Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals.