
Lesson Plans: 11/15/21-11/19/21

TK-5th: Digital Citizenship: Media Balance and Well-Being

Grades K–5 Family Tips from https://www.commonsense.org/education/

Help Boost Kids' Safety, Privacy, and Security

When kids start to go online, whether they're playing multiplayer games, using educational apps, or just following their curiosity on Google, it's important that they understand the basics of online privacy and safety. With some general guidelines around what information is and isn't OK to share, and some help from parents when they're unsure, kids can have fun and learn a lot in the digital world.

Check out these 5 tips

1. Discuss personal vs. private info.

Talk about the difference between what's OK to share online (favorite color) and what's not (home address).

2. Use privacy settings.

Together, go through the settings on all new apps to make sure you both know what information your kids are sharing. Especially in the beginning, it's better to share very little.

3. Avoid location tracking.

Location-aware apps can be super helpful. But apps that use a device's location to help people find your kid or offer them ads for nearby businesses should be used with caution. Turn them off if you can.

4. Power up passwords.

Work together with kids to help them come up with complex passwords. Think outside the dictionary. Use phrases and special characters that make passwords hard to guess but easy to remember. Remind kids to keep passwords private and change them regularly.

5. Skip quizzes.

Help kids identify and avoid clickbait, quizzes, special offers, and anything that asks for personal or private information. This helps keep information secure and devices safe.

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