
Lesson plans: 3/30-4/3: Google Forms and Responses (Google Sheets)

K-2: How to use the site:

at https://www.mystorybook.com/

3-5: Unit: Using the "Responses" (Google Sheets) from Forms

CCSS 6 With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others.
Model School Library Standards 
4.2.b Select appropriate information technology tools and resources to interact with others for a specific purpose.

Lesson Plans 3/23-3/27: Google Forms and Responses (Google Sheets)

K-2: Book Care
3-5: Unit: Google Forms: and Responses (Google Sheets)
Read Alouds
Title and Copyright page:
CCSS: Reading Standards for Informational Text. 5 Know and use various text features to locate key facts or information in a text efficiently.
Model School Library Standards 1.3.g Identify the parts of a book 

Lesson Plans 3/16-3/20: Plagiarism

K-5: Plagiarism : Two videos (Yow Elf)
  • Tin Eye
  • Google search: images > Search Tools > Usage rights > Labeled for reuse
  • Inspired Works: Old MacDonald Had A Farm >  E-I-E-I-O! How Old MacDonald Got His Farm with a Little Help From a Hen written by Judy Sierra and illustrated by Matthew Myers
CCSS: 8. Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources; assess the credibility of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and providing basic bibliographic information for sources.
Model School Library Standards 
1.3.aIdentify and locate multiple sources of information that provide a broad view of research topics and questions (e.g., books, reference materials, online sources, periodicals).

Lesson Plans: 3/9-3/13: Google Forms and Responses (Google Sheets) and Atlas and Almanacs

K-2: Atlas and Almanacs: Read aloud: Library Mouse A World to Explore and 1st grade: Sorting E books
3-5: Unit: Google Forms and Responses (Google Sheets)

CCSS 6 With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others.
Model School Library Standards 
3.3.b Use digital or graphic tools to support a presentation.
4.2.b Select appropriate information technology tools and resources to interact with others for a specific purpose.

Lesson Plans 3/2-3/6: Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus / Atlas and Almanacs

K-2: Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesauru: Read Aloud: Mr Wiggle Looks for Answers
3-5 Review: Dictionary, Encyclopedia, Thesaurus, Atlas and Almanacs

CCSS: 5 Use text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently.
Model School Library Standards 
1.3.j Use guide words to locate information in a reference book. 1.3.k Perform a key word search of a topic using an approved search engine or database. 1.3.n Use print or digital indexes, or both, to locate articles in an encyclopedia. 1.3.p Locate information in text by using the organizational parts of a book in print or digital format (e.g., title,  table of contents, chapter headings, glossary, author notes, dedication, index).


Learning Google Classroom

"Classroom lets you communicate with your classes and easily share assignments, materials, and messages."

Start by asking Mr Politzer to add you as a Teacher, afterwards signing in at https://classroom.google.com/h

I drew this picture of a "Google Classroom" on Office's Paint, however now realized I needed to go back and add Chromebooks. On Monday I am going to learn Google Classroom.


My Google Classroom with Chromebooks (2:1)

Lesson Plans: 2/23-2/27: Dictionary and Google Slides

3rd-5th: Google Slides
Kinder-2nd: Reading Nonfiction: Useing a Dictionary

Model School Library Standards: Use digital or graphic tools to support a presentation. Select appropriate information technology tools and resources to interact with others for a specific purpose.

CCSS: Writing Standards 6: With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others.



Lesson Plans: 2/16-2/20: Index and Google Slides

3rd-5th: Google Slides
Kinder-2nd: Reading Nonfiction: Index

How to get to your Google Drive 
  1. Log into Google Chromebook
    1. At other computers log into your email account.
  2. Open your Apps (at bottom of screen on left)
    1. On email screen, it is at the top of screen on right.
  3. Click on Google Drive
  4. Double Click on your presentation

Model School Library Standards: Use digital or graphic tools to support a presentation. Select appropriate information technology tools and resources to interact with others for a specific purpose.
CCSS: Writing Standards 6: With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others.

Lesson Plans: 2/9-2/13: Glossary and Google Slides

3rd-5th: Google Slides
Kinder-2nd: Reading Nonfiction: Glossary
Friday 1-2 also need Reading Nonfiction: Table of Contents (lockdown)

Model School Library Standards: Use digital or graphic tools to support a presentation. Select appropriate information technology tools and resources to interact with others for a specific purpose.
CCSS: Writing Standards 6: With guidance and support from adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well as to interact and collaborate with others.


We learned a lot and had a great time. I cannot wait for the next conference. Maybe CUE 2015 Fall Conference, October 23 - 24, in the Napa Valley, CA

Day 4: Sunday: CSLA Conference

  • Grant Writing and Fundraising for Your School Library by Sue Heraper. This was most helpful. The biggest tip was to get a folder all set up at the beginning of the year so you can apply at any time.

Day 3: Saturday: CSLA Conference

  • Librarian without a Library by Leigh Ann McCready. She talked about what happens to a school library when a new one is being built and weeding. Good ideas for obsolete books: 1. Bookmarks for weeded books.  2. Goodwill takes hardcover books.
  • The Future of digital and Information Literacy by Rosemarie Bernier. Look into Tech training with Google and community colleges. I will share her PFD as soon as I get a copy (I took notes on my hardcopy).
  • CCSS Literacy Lessons Hidden in Library Books by Patricia Ohanian. This was the best session of the conference! She teaches at Addison ES in Palo Alto, Ca and with come a speak at schools in the Bay area. 
  • Connecting Families: Rethinking Education About Parenting in a Digital Age by Kelley Mendoza from Common Sense Education (branch of CSM). She shared idea about how to run parent nights.
  • A Journey into Inquiry: Using Children's Books to Teach Science by Julie Andreacchi. I will share her PowerPoint as soon as I get a copy.


Day 2: Friday: CSLA Conference

If you ever get a chance to hear Shannon McClintock Miller take it!

A. Early Bird Session:
  • There's a Digital Tool for That! Ten Creative Tools and Projects for Your Library and Classroom by Shannon McClintock Miller. I will be placing these links in my Shelf Elf Toolbox. You can go to her Blog The Library Voice at http://vanmeterlibraryvoice.blogspot.com/ 
B. Exhibitors Learning Sessions:
  • California PBS LearningMedia FREE PBS video and more. http://www.pbslearningmedia.org/ “Why Register? Save, download and share resources. Discover local content. Access storyboard, quiz maker and lesson builder tools. Participate in exclusive events, sweepstakes and giveaways.” Here are some math problems: http://mathmess.ideastream.org/
  •  California Streaming: http://www.californiastreaming.org/ Cost 0.70 cents per student. Request a free trial. Very cool tools and you are able to make clips of these videos.
  • Perma-Bound showed us how to find holes in our collections.
C. My New Tool Box: I added a page to my Blog named "Shelf Elf Toolbox", I will be adding the links covered at the conference there.

C. Librarian Notes:
  • Keep post-cards at front desk with Links and Passwords for parents, teachers, and students.
  • Perma-Bound: Nonfiction CCSS books and ebooks. Tools that look at collection.

Day 1: Thursday: CSLA Conference

A. My first class was "Flipping Your Library" by Michele Luthala (2 hours)
Flipping Applications
10. eContent: eBooks and Web sites, (I wonder if there is an app for Follett Shelf)
9. Curation: Pearltrees http://www.pearltrees.com/
8. Close: Subtext (ipad only) http://goo.gl/kJIhTX
7. Student Response System: Socrative http://www.socrative.com/ Great for Chromebooks
6. Course Management: Google Classroom http://goo.gl/OQG1na  I want to try this!
5. Communication: Google Voice: http://goo.gl/aSdHKp and Twitter
4. Blogging: Blogger (yeah!) https://www.blogger.com
3. Collection delivery: Destiny Library Manager
2. Video Instruction: Screenflow, AirServer, Reflector
1. Cloud Computing: Google Drive

B. My second class was "A Deeper Dive into the new ELA/ELD Framework K-12" by Renee Ousley-Swank (2 hours). This was very complex workshop. My aha moment was when I realized I could combine the ELA/ELD standards with the library standards and reach more students. The SFUSD has combined the CCSS, ELA/ELD, and the Library standards. We will contact them and see if we can get a copy of their work.

C. Today I talked to many reps... 

I cannot wait to learn more about PBS Learning Media California http://www.pbslearningmedia.org/ which is FREE. I will be attending workshops with them on Friday and Saturday.

I am also interested in California Streaming  http://www.californiastreaming.org/ however it is fee based at 0.70 cents per student per year.


CSLA Conference starts 2/5/15

The California School Library Association is an organization of teacher librarians, classroom teachers, paraprofessionals, district and county coordinators of curriculum, media and technology, and others committed to enriching student learning through school libraries.

How many books have we read this year?

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